Broughton High School - Bus Services and Parking Safety

30th of September, 2023

Have you considered:

  1. Walking or cycling to school instead? This is a great way to contribute to a child’s 60 minutes of activity a day and is easy to incorporate into your daily routine. Try it once a week at first and see how easy it can be.
  2. Parking nearby or getting off the bus two stops earlier and walking the rest of the way. If you live too far away to walk or need your car for your commute to work you can still walk part of the way. Adults in England should aim to take part in at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity each week.
  3. Car sharing is a great way to reduce congestion and save you pennies. Team up with other parents or carers who live nearby- share the cost and halve the hassle.

If you have a parking concern outside of your school report it to [email protected] For more information on this leaflet please email the Road Safety Team at [email protected]

A Guide to Parking Safely at Our Schools

Inconsiderate and dangerous parking around our schools has become a big problem, putting the safety of children and others at risk. We all want to keep our children safe around schools, so here are some top tips on how you can make a difference. How can you help?

  • Keep your speed down
  • Turn your engine off - do not idle
  • Leave the middle of the road free, with enough room for other road users to easily pass through
  • Make sure your child leaves and enters your vehicle safely onto the pavement
  • Check for pedestrians and cyclists before opening a car door
  • Leave enough room on pavements for pedestrians, pushchairs & wheelchairs to get past
  • Take care when reversing

Please keep restricted areas clear

  • Zig zags and school entrances
  • Dropped kerbs
  • Resident’s driveways
  • Opposite or within 10 metres of a junction- so that children can see cars and cars can see children.

Your questions answered

What would happen if I did park in a restricted area?

If you park in a restricted area you are putting childrens lives in danger and for this reason school parking is regularly monitored and enforced. If you park in a restricted area you could receive a £70 fine.

Am I okay to stop on zig zag markings if I am only there a few minutes?

No, under no circumstances should you stop on zig zag markings at any time, these are there to protect school entrances and leave a clear view of the street for pedestrians.